添加javabrowser 支持中文
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1 //搜网上的javabrowser都不支持中文在线修改保存,且文件名包含中文。修改如下   2    3 <%@page import="java.util.*,   4                 java.net.*,   5                 java.text.*,   6                 java.util.zip.*,   7                 java.io.*"   8     contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8" pageEncoding="utf-8"   9 %>  10 <%!  11     //FEATURES  12     private static final boolean NATIVE_COMMANDS = true;  13  /**  14  *If true, all operations (besides upload and native commands)   15  *which change something on the file system are permitted  16  */  17  private static final boolean READ_ONLY = false;  18  //If true, uploads are allowed even if READ_ONLY = true  19  private static final boolean ALLOW_UPLOAD = true;  20   21     //Allow browsing and file manipulation only in certain directories  22  private static final boolean RESTRICT_BROWSING = false;  23     //If true, the user is allowed to browse only in RESTRICT_PATH,  24     //if false, the user is allowed to browse all directories besides RESTRICT_PATH  25     private static final boolean RESTRICT_WHITELIST = false;  26     //Paths, sperated by semicolon  27     //private static final String RESTRICT_PATH = "C:\\CODE;E:\\"; //Win32: Case important!!  28  private static final String RESTRICT_PATH = "/etc;/var";  29   30     //The refresh time in seconds of the upload monitor window  31  private static final int UPLOAD_MONITOR_REFRESH = 2;  32  //The number of colums for the edit field  33  private static final int EDITFIELD_COLS = 85;  34  //The number of rows for the edit field  35  private static final int EDITFIELD_ROWS = 30;  36  //Open a new window to view a file  37  private static final boolean USE_POPUP = true;  38  /**  39   * If USE_DIR_PREVIEW = true, then for every directory a tooltip will be  40   * created (hold the mouse over the link) with the first DIR_PREVIEW_NUMBER entries.  41   * This can yield to performance issues. Turn it off, if the directory loads to slow.  42   */  43  private static final boolean USE_DIR_PREVIEW = false;  44  private static final int DIR_PREVIEW_NUMBER = 10;  45  /**  46   * The name of an optional CSS Stylesheet file  47   */  48  private static final String CSS_NAME = "Browser.css";  49  /**  50   * The compression level for zip file creation (0-9)  51   * 0 = No compression  52   * 1 = Standard compression (Very fast)  53   * ...  54   * 9 = Best compression (Very slow)  55   */  56  private static final int COMPRESSION_LEVEL = 1;  57  /**  58   * The FORBIDDEN_DRIVES are not displayed on the list. This can be usefull, if the  59   * server runs on a windows platform, to avoid a message box, if you try to access  60   * an empty removable drive (See KNOWN BUGS in Readme.txt).  61   */  62  private static final String[] FORBIDDEN_DRIVES = {"a:\\"};  63   64  /**  65   * Command of the shell interpreter and the parameter to run a programm  66   */  67  private static final String[] COMMAND_INTERPRETER = {"cmd", "/C"}; // Dos,Windows  68  //private static final String[] COMMAND_INTERPRETER = {"/bin/sh","-c"};  // Unix  69   70  /**  71   * Max time in ms a process is allowed to run, before it will be terminated  72   */  73  private static final long MAX_PROCESS_RUNNING_TIME = 30 * 1000; //30 seconds  74   75  //Button names  76  private static final String SAVE_AS_ZIP = "Download selected files as (z)ip";  77  private static final String RENAME_FILE = "(R)ename File";  78  private static final String DELETE_FILES = "(Del)ete selected files";  79  private static final String CREATE_DIR = "Create (D)ir";  80  private static final String CREATE_FILE = "(C)reate File";  81  private static final String MOVE_FILES = "(M)ove Files";  82  private static final String COPY_FILES = "Cop(y) Files";  83  private static final String LAUNCH_COMMAND = "(L)aunch external program";  84  private static final String UPLOAD_FILES = "Upload";  85   86  //Normally you should not change anything after this line  87  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  88  //Change this to locate the tempfile directory for upload (not longer needed)  89  private static String tempdir = ".";  90  private static String VERSION_NR = "1.2";  91  private static DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance();  92   93  public class UplInfo {  94   95   public long totalSize;  96   public long currSize;  97   public long starttime;  98   public boolean aborted;  99  100   public UplInfo() { 101    totalSize = 0l; 102    currSize = 0l; 103    starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 104    aborted = false; 105   } 106  107   public UplInfo(int size) { 108    totalSize = size; 109    currSize = 0; 110    starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 111    aborted = false; 112   } 113  114   public String getUprate() { 115    long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime; 116    if (time != 0) { 117     long uprate = currSize * 1000 / time; 118     return convertFileSize(uprate) + "/s"; 119    } 120    else return "n/a"; 121   } 122  123   public int getPercent() { 124    if (totalSize == 0) return 0; 125    else return (int) (currSize * 100 / totalSize); 126   } 127  128   public String getTimeElapsed() { 129    long time = (System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime) / 1000l; 130    if (time - 60l >= 0){ 131     if (time % 60 >=10) return time / 60 + ":" + (time % 60) + "m"; 132     else return time / 60 + ":0" + (time % 60) + "m"; 133    } 134    else return time<10 ? "0" + time + "s": time + "s"; 135   } 136  137   public String getTimeEstimated() { 138    if (currSize == 0) return "n/a"; 139    long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime; 140    time = totalSize * time / currSize; 141    time /= 1000l; 142    if (time - 60l >= 0){ 143     if (time % 60 >=10) return time / 60 + ":" + (time % 60) + "m"; 144     else return time / 60 + ":0" + (time % 60) + "m"; 145    } 146    else return time<10 ? "0" + time + "s": time + "s"; 147   } 148  149  } 150  151  public class FileInfo { 152  153   public String name = null, clientFileName = null, fileContentType = null; 154   private byte[] fileContents = null; 155   public File file = null; 156   public StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(100); 157  158   public void setFileContents(byte[] aByteArray) { 159    fileContents = new byte[aByteArray.length]; 160    System.arraycopy(aByteArray, 0, fileContents, 0, aByteArray.length); 161   } 162  } 163  164  public static class UploadMonitor { 165  166   static Hashtable uploadTable = new Hashtable(); 167  168   static void set(String fName, UplInfo info) { 169    uploadTable.put(fName, info); 170   } 171  172   static void remove(String fName) { 173    uploadTable.remove(fName); 174   } 175  176   static UplInfo getInfo(String fName) { 177    UplInfo info = (UplInfo) uploadTable.get(fName); 178    return info; 179   } 180  } 181  182  // A Class with methods used to process a ServletInputStream 183  public class HttpMultiPartParser { 184  185   //private final String lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n"); 186   private final int ONE_MB = 1024 * 1; 187  188   public Hashtable processData(ServletInputStream is, String boundary, String saveInDir, 189     int clength) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException { 190    if (is == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("InputStream"); 191    if (boundary == null || boundary.trim().length() < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException( 192      "\"" + boundary + "\" is an illegal boundary indicator"); 193    boundary = "--" + boundary; 194    StringTokenizer stLine = null, stFields = null; 195    FileInfo fileInfo = null; 196    Hashtable dataTable = new Hashtable(5); 197    String line = null, field = null, paramName = null; 198    boolean saveFiles = (saveInDir != null && saveInDir.trim().length() > 0); 199    boolean isFile = false; 200    if (saveFiles) { // Create the required directory (including parent dirs) 201     File f = new File(saveInDir); 202     f.mkdirs(); 203    } 204    line = getLine(is); 205    if (line == null || !line.startsWith(boundary)) throw new IOException( 206      "Boundary not found; boundary = " + boundary + ", line = " + line); 207    while (line != null) { 208     if (line == null || !line.startsWith(boundary)) return dataTable; 209     line = getLine(is); 210     if (line == null) return dataTable; 211     stLine = new StringTokenizer(line, ";\r\n"); 212     if (stLine.countTokens() < 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException( 213       "Bad data in second line"); 214     line = stLine.nextToken().toLowerCase(); 215     if (line.indexOf("form-data") < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException( 216       "Bad data in second line"); 217     stFields = new StringTokenizer(stLine.nextToken(), "=\""); 218     if (stFields.countTokens() < 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException( 219       "Bad data in second line"); 220     fileInfo = new FileInfo(); 221     stFields.nextToken(); 222     paramName = stFields.nextToken(); 223     isFile = false; 224     if (stLine.hasMoreTokens()) { 225      field = stLine.nextToken(); 226      stFields = new StringTokenizer(field, "=\""); 227      if (stFields.countTokens() > 1) { 228       if (stFields.nextToken().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("filename")) { 229        fileInfo.name = paramName; 230        String value = stFields.nextToken(); 231        if (value != null && value.trim().length() > 0) { 232         fileInfo.clientFileName = value; 233         isFile = true; 234        } 235        else { 236         line = getLine(is); // Skip "Content-Type:" line 237         line = getLine(is); // Skip blank line 238         line = getLine(is); // Skip blank line 239         line = getLine(is); // Position to boundary line 240         continue; 241        } 242       } 243      } 244      else if (field.toLowerCase().indexOf("filename") >= 0) { 245       line = getLine(is); // Skip "Content-Type:" line 246       line = getLine(is); // Skip blank line 247       line = getLine(is); // Skip blank line 248       line = getLine(is); // Position to boundary line 249       continue; 250      } 251     } 252     boolean skipBlankLine = true; 253     if (isFile) { 254      line = getLine(is); 255      if (line == null) return dataTable; 256      if (line.trim().length() < 1) skipBlankLine = false; 257      else { 258       stLine = new StringTokenizer(line, ": "); 259       if (stLine.countTokens() < 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException( 260         "Bad data in third line"); 261       stLine.nextToken(); // Content-Type 262       fileInfo.fileContentType = stLine.nextToken(); 263      } 264     } 265     if (skipBlankLine) { 266      line = getLine(is); 267      if (line == null) return dataTable; 268     } 269     if (!isFile) { 270      line = getLine(is); 271      if (line == null) return dataTable; 272      dataTable.put(paramName, line); 273      // If parameter is dir, change saveInDir to dir 274      if (paramName.equals("dir")) saveInDir = line; 275      line = getLine(is); 276      continue; 277     } 278     try { 279      UplInfo uplInfo = new UplInfo(clength); 280      UploadMonitor.set(fileInfo.clientFileName, uplInfo); 281      OutputStream os = null; 282      String path = null; 283      if (saveFiles) os = new FileOutputStream(path = getFileName(saveInDir, 284        fileInfo.clientFileName)); 285      else os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(ONE_MB); 286      boolean readingContent = true; 287      byte previousLine[] = new byte[2 * ONE_MB]; 288      byte temp[] = null; 289      byte currentLine[] = new byte[2 * ONE_MB]; 290      int read, read3; 291      if ((read = is.readLine(previousLine, 0, previousLine.length)) == -1) { 292       line = null; 293       break; 294      } 295      while (readingContent) { 296       if ((read3 = is.readLine(currentLine, 0, currentLine.length)) == -1) { 297        line = null; 298        uplInfo.aborted = true; 299        break; 300       } 301       if (compareBoundary(boundary, currentLine)) { 302        os.write(previousLine, 0, read - 2); 303        line = new String(currentLine, 0, read3); 304        break; 305       } 306       else { 307        os.write(previousLine, 0, read); 308        uplInfo.currSize += read; 309        temp = currentLine; 310        currentLine = previousLine; 311        previousLine = temp; 312        read = read3; 313       }//end else 314      }//end while 315      os.flush(); 316      os.close(); 317      if (!saveFiles) { 318       ByteArrayOutputStream baos = (ByteArrayOutputStream) os; 319       fileInfo.setFileContents(baos.toByteArray()); 320      } 321      else fileInfo.file = new File(path); 322      dataTable.put(paramName, fileInfo); 323      uplInfo.currSize = uplInfo.totalSize; 324     }//end try 325     catch (IOException e) { 326      throw e; 327     } 328    } 329    return dataTable; 330   } 331  332   /** 333    * Compares boundary string to byte array 334    */ 335   private boolean compareBoundary(String boundary, byte ba[]) { 336    if (boundary == null || ba == null) return false; 337    for (int i = 0; i < boundary.length(); i++) 338     if ((byte) boundary.charAt(i) != ba[i]) return false; 339    return true; 340   } 341  342   /** Convenience method to read HTTP header lines */ 343   private synchronized String getLine(ServletInputStream sis) throws IOException { 344    byte b[] = new byte[1024]; 345    int read = sis.readLine(b, 0, b.length), index; 346    String line = null; 347    if (read != -1) { 348    // line = new String(b, 0, read); 349     //TODO 用给定的编码方式把给定的byte数组转换为字符串 !!!关键之所在!!! 350     line = new String(b, 0, read , "utf-8"); 351     if ((index = line.indexOf('\n')) >= 0) line = line.substring(0, index - 1); 352    } 353    return line; 354   } 355  356   public String getFileName(String dir, String fileName) throws IllegalArgumentException { 357    String path = null; 358    if (dir == null || fileName == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( 359      "dir or fileName is null"); 360    int index = fileName.lastIndexOf('/'); 361    String name = null; 362    if (index >= 0) name = fileName.substring(index + 1); 363    else name = fileName; 364    index = name.lastIndexOf('\\'); 365    if (index >= 0) fileName = name.substring(index + 1); 366    path = dir + File.separator + fileName; 367    if (File.separatorChar == '/') return path.replace('\\', File.separatorChar); 368    else return path.replace('/', File.separatorChar); 369   } 370  } //End of class HttpMultiPartParser 371  372  /** 373   * This class is a comparator to sort the filenames and dirs 374   */ 375  class FileComp implements Comparator { 376  377   int mode; 378   int sign; 379  380   FileComp() { 381    this.mode = 1; 382    this.sign = 1; 383   } 384  385   /** 386    * @param mode sort by 1=Filename, 2=Size, 3=Date, 4=Type 387    * The default sorting method is by Name 388    * Negative mode means descending sort 389    */ 390   FileComp(int mode) { 391    if (mode < 0) { 392     this.mode = -mode; 393     sign = -1; 394    } 395    else { 396     this.mode = mode; 397     this.sign = 1; 398    } 399   } 400  401   public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { 402    File f1 = (File) o1; 403    File f2 = (File) o2; 404    if (f1.isDirectory()) { 405     if (f2.isDirectory()) { 406      switch (mode) { 407      //Filename or Type 408      case 1: 409      case 4: 410       return sign 411         * f1.getAbsolutePath().toUpperCase().compareTo( 412           f2.getAbsolutePath().toUpperCase()); 413      //Filesize 414      case 2: 415       return sign * (new Long(f1.length()).compareTo(new Long(f2.length()))); 416      //Date 417      case 3: 418       return sign 419         * (new Long(f1.lastModified()) 420           .compareTo(new Long(f2.lastModified()))); 421      default: 422       return 1; 423      } 424     } 425     else return -1; 426    } 427    else if (f2.isDirectory()) return 1; 428    else { 429     switch (mode) { 430     case 1: 431      return sign 432        * f1.getAbsolutePath().toUpperCase().compareTo( 433          f2.getAbsolutePath().toUpperCase()); 434     case 2: 435      return sign * (new Long(f1.length()).compareTo(new Long(f2.length()))); 436     case 3: 437      return sign 438        * (new Long(f1.lastModified()).compareTo(new Long(f2.lastModified()))); 439     case 4: { // Sort by extension 440      int tempIndexf1 = f1.getAbsolutePath().lastIndexOf('.'); 441      int tempIndexf2 = f2.getAbsolutePath().lastIndexOf('.'); 442      if ((tempIndexf1 == -1) && (tempIndexf2 == -1)) { // Neither have an extension 443       return sign 444         * f1.getAbsolutePath().toUpperCase().compareTo( 445           f2.getAbsolutePath().toUpperCase()); 446      } 447      // f1 has no extension 448      else if (tempIndexf1 == -1) return -sign; 449      // f2 has no extension 450      else if (tempIndexf2 == -1) return sign; 451      // Both have an extension 452      else { 453       String tempEndf1 = f1.getAbsolutePath().toUpperCase() 454         .substring(tempIndexf1); 455       String tempEndf2 = f2.getAbsolutePath().toUpperCase() 456         .substring(tempIndexf2); 457       return sign * tempEndf1.compareTo(tempEndf2); 458      } 459     } 460     default: 461      return 1; 462     } 463    } 464   } 465  } 466  467  /** 468   * Wrapperclass to wrap an OutputStream around a Writer 469   */ 470  class Writer2Stream extends OutputStream { 471  472   Writer out; 473  474   Writer2Stream(Writer w) { 475    super(); 476    out = w; 477   } 478  479   public void write(int i) throws IOException { 480    out.write(i); 481   } 482  483   public void write(byte[] b) throws IOException { 484    for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) { 485     int n = b[i]; 486     //Convert byte to ubyte 487     n = ((n >>> 4) & 0xF) * 16 + (n & 0xF); 488     out.write(n); 489    } 490   } 491  492   public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { 493    for (int i = off; i < off + len; i++) { 494     int n = b[i]; 495     n = ((n >>> 4) & 0xF) * 16 + (n & 0xF); 496     out.write(n); 497    } 498   } 499  } //End of class Writer2Stream 500  501  static Vector expandFileList(String[] files, boolean inclDirs) { 502   Vector v = new Vector(); 503   if (files == null) return v; 504   for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) 505    v.add(new File(URLDecoder.decode(files[i]))); 506   for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { 507    File f = (File) v.get(i); 508    if (f.isDirectory()) { 509     File[] fs = f.listFiles(); 510     for (int n = 0; n < fs.length; n++) 511      v.add(fs[n]); 512     if (!inclDirs) { 513      v.remove(i); 514      i--; 515     } 516    } 517   } 518   return v; 519  } 520  521  /** 522   * Method to build an absolute path 523   * @param dir the root dir 524   * @param name the name of the new directory 525   * @return if name is an absolute directory, returns name, else returns dir+name 526   */ 527  static String getDir(String dir, String name) { 528   if (!dir.endsWith(File.separator)) dir = dir + File.separator; 529   File mv = new File(name); 530   String new_dir = null; 531   if (!mv.isAbsolute()) { 532    new_dir = dir + name; 533   } 534   else new_dir = name; 535   return new_dir; 536  } 537  538  /** 539   * This Method converts a byte size in a kbytes or Mbytes size, depending on the size 540   *     @param size The size in bytes 541   *     @return String with size and unit 542   */ 543  static String convertFileSize(long size) { 544   int divisor = 1; 545   String unit = "bytes"; 546   if (size >= 1024 * 1024) { 547    divisor = 1024 * 1024; 548    unit = "MB"; 549   } 550   else if (size >= 1024) { 551    divisor = 1024; 552    unit = "KB"; 553   } 554   if (divisor == 1) return size / divisor + " " + unit; 555   String aftercomma = "" + 100 * (size % divisor) / divisor; 556   if (aftercomma.length() == 1) aftercomma = "0" + aftercomma; 557   return size / divisor + "." + aftercomma + " " + unit; 558  } 559  560  /** 561   * Copies all data from in to out 562   *  @param in the input stream 563   * @param out the output stream 564   * @param buffer copy buffer 565   */ 566  static void copyStreams(InputStream in, OutputStream out, byte[] buffer) throws IOException { 567   copyStreamsWithoutClose(in, out, buffer); 568   in.close(); 569   out.close(); 570  } 571  572  /** 573   * Copies all data from in to out 574   *  @param in the input stream 575   * @param out the output stream 576   * @param buffer copy buffer 577   */ 578  static void copyStreamsWithoutClose(InputStream in, OutputStream out, byte[] buffer) 579    throws IOException { 580   int b; 581   while ((b = in.read(buffer)) != -1) 582    out.write(buffer, 0, b); 583  } 584  585  /** 586   * Returns the Mime Type of the file, depending on the extension of the filename 587   */ 588  static String getMimeType(String fName) { 589   fName = fName.toLowerCase(); 590   if (fName.endsWith(".jpg") || fName.endsWith(".jpeg") || fName.endsWith(".jpe")) return "image/jpeg"; 591   else if (fName.endsWith(".gif")) return "image/gif"; 592   else if (fName.endsWith(".pdf")) return "application/pdf"; 593   else if (fName.endsWith(".htm") || fName.endsWith(".html") || fName.endsWith(".shtml")) return "text/html"; 594   else if (fName.endsWith(".avi")) return "video/x-msvideo"; 595   else if (fName.endsWith(".mov") || fName.endsWith(".qt")) return "video/quicktime"; 596   else if (fName.endsWith(".mpg") || fName.endsWith(".mpeg") || fName.endsWith(".mpe")) return "video/mpeg"; 597   else if (fName.endsWith(".zip")) return "application/zip"; 598   else if (fName.endsWith(".tiff") || fName.endsWith(".tif")) return "image/tiff"; 599   else if (fName.endsWith(".rtf")) return "application/rtf"; 600   else if (fName.endsWith(".mid") || fName.endsWith(".midi")) return "audio/x-midi"; 601   else if (fName.endsWith(".xl") || fName.endsWith(".xls") || fName.endsWith(".xlv") 602     || fName.endsWith(".xla") || fName.endsWith(".xlb") || fName.endsWith(".xlt") 603     || fName.endsWith(".xlm") || fName.endsWith(".xlk")) return "application/excel"; 604   else if (fName.endsWith(".doc") || fName.endsWith(".dot")) return "application/msword"; 605   else if (fName.endsWith(".png")) return "image/png"; 606   else if (fName.endsWith(".xml")) return "text/xml"; 607   else if (fName.endsWith(".svg")) return "image/svg+xml"; 608   else if (fName.endsWith(".mp3")) return "audio/mp3"; 609   else if (fName.endsWith(".ogg")) return "audio/ogg"; 610   else return "text/plain"; 611  } 612  613  /** 614   * Converts some important chars (int) to the corresponding html string 615   */ 616  static String conv2Html(int i) { 617   if (i == '&') return "&"; 618   else if (i == '<') return "<"; 619   else if (i == '>') return ">"; 620   else if (i == '"') return """; 621   else return "" + (char) i; 622  } 623  624  /** 625   * Converts a normal string to a html conform string 626   */ 627  static String conv2Html(String st) { 628   StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); 629   for (int i = 0; i < st.length(); i++) { 630    buf.append(conv2Html(st.charAt(i))); 631   } 632   return buf.toString(); 633  } 634  635  /** 636   * Starts a native process on the server 637   *  @param command the command to start the process 638   * @param dir the dir in which the process starts 639   */ 640  static String startProcess(String command, String dir) throws IOException { 641   StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(); 642   String[] comm = new String[3]; 643   comm[0] = COMMAND_INTERPRETER[0]; 644   comm[1] = COMMAND_INTERPRETER[1]; 645   comm[2] = command; 646   long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); 647   try { 648    //Start process 649    Process ls_proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(comm, null, new File(dir)); 650    //Get input and error streams 651    BufferedInputStream ls_in = new BufferedInputStream(ls_proc.getInputStream()); 652    BufferedInputStream ls_err = new BufferedInputStream(ls_proc.getErrorStream()); 653    boolean end = false; 654    while (!end) { 655     int c = 0; 656     while ((ls_err.available() > 0) && (++c <= 1000)) { 657      ret.append(conv2Html(ls_err.read())); 658     } 659     c = 0; 660     while ((ls_in.available() > 0) && (++c <= 1000)) { 661      ret.append(conv2Html(ls_in.read())); 662     } 663     try { 664      ls_proc.exitValue(); 665      //if the process has not finished, an exception is thrown 666      //else 667      while (ls_err.available() > 0) 668       ret.append(conv2Html(ls_err.read())); 669      while (ls_in.available() > 0) 670       ret.append(conv2Html(ls_in.read())); 671      end = true; 672     } 673     catch (IllegalThreadStateException ex) { 674      //Process is running 675     } 676     //The process is not allowed to run longer than given time. 677     if (System.currentTimeMillis() - start > MAX_PROCESS_RUNNING_TIME) { 678      ls_proc.destroy(); 679      end = true; 680      ret.append("!!!! Process has timed out, destroyed !!!!!"); 681     } 682     try { 683      Thread.sleep(50); 684     } 685     catch (InterruptedException ie) {} 686    } 687   } 688   catch (IOException e) { 689    ret.append("Error: " + e); 690   } 691   return ret.toString(); 692  } 693  694  /** 695   * Converts a dir string to a linked dir string 696   *  @param dir the directory string (e.g. /usr/local/httpd) 697   * @param browserLink web-path to Browser.jsp 698   */ 699  static String dir2linkdir(String dir, String browserLink, int sortMode) { 700   File f = new File(dir); 701   StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); 702   while (f.getParentFile() != null) { 703    if (f.canRead()) { 704     String encPath = URLEncoder.encode(f.getAbsolutePath()); 705     buf.insert(0, "" + conv2Html(f.getName()) + File.separator + ""); 707    } 708    else buf.insert(0, conv2Html(f.getName()) + File.separator); 709    f = f.getParentFile(); 710   } 711   if (f.canRead()) { 712    String encPath = URLEncoder.encode(f.getAbsolutePath()); 713    buf.insert(0, "" + conv2Html(f.getAbsolutePath()) + ""); 715   } 716   else buf.insert(0, f.getAbsolutePath()); 717   return buf.toString(); 718  } 719  720  /** 721   * Returns true if the given filename tends towards a packed file 722   */ 723  static boolean isPacked(String name, boolean gz) { 724   return (name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip") || name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar") 725     || (gz && name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".gz")) || name.toLowerCase() 726     .endsWith(".war")); 727  } 728  729  /** 730   * If RESTRICT_BROWSING = true this method checks, whether the path is allowed or not 731   */ 732  static boolean isAllowed(File path, boolean write) throws IOException{ 733   if (READ_ONLY && write) return false; 734   if (RESTRICT_BROWSING) { 735             StringTokenizer stk = new StringTokenizer(RESTRICT_PATH, ";"); 736             while (stk.hasMoreTokens()){ 737        if (path!=null && path.getCanonicalPath().startsWith(stk.nextToken())) 738                     return RESTRICT_WHITELIST; 739             } 740             return !RESTRICT_WHITELIST; 741   } 742   else return true; 743  } 744  745  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 746  747  %> 748 <% 749 request.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8"); 750 response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); 751   //Get the current browsing directory 752   request.setAttribute("dir", request.getParameter("dir")); 753   // The browser_name variable is used to keep track of the URI 754   // of the jsp file itself.  It is used in all link-backs. 755   final String browser_name = request.getRequestURI(); 756   final String FOL_IMG = ""; 757   boolean nohtml = false; 758   boolean dir_view = true; 759   //Get Javascript 760   if (request.getParameter("Javascript") != null) { 761    dir_view = false; 762    nohtml = true; 763    //Tell the browser that it should cache the javascript 764    response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "public"); 765    Date now = new Date(); 766    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z", Locale.US); 767    response.setHeader("Expires", sdf.format(new Date(now.getTime() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24*2))); 768    response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/javascript"); 769    %> 770    <%// This section contains the Javascript used for interface elements %> 771    var check = false; 772    <%// Disables the checkbox feature %> 773    function dis(){check = true;} 774  775    var DOM = 0, MS = 0, OP = 0, b = 0; 776    <%// Determine the browser type %> 777    function CheckBrowser(){ 778     if (b == 0){ 779      if (window.opera) OP = 1; 780      // Moz or Netscape 781      if(document.getElementById) DOM = 1; 782      // Micro$oft 783      if(document.all && !OP) MS = 1; 784      b = 1; 785     } 786    } 787    <%// Allows the whole row to be selected %> 788    function selrow (element, i){ 789     var erst; 790     CheckBrowser(); 791     if ((OP==1)||(MS==1)) erst = element.firstChild.firstChild; 792     else if (DOM==1) erst = element.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild; 793     <%// MouseIn %> 794     if (i==0){ 795      if (erst.checked == true) element.className='mousechecked'; 796      else element.className='mousein'; 797     } 798     <%// MouseOut %> 799     else if (i==1){ 800      if (erst.checked == true) element.className='checked'; 801      else element.className='mouseout'; 802     } 803     <%    // MouseClick %> 804     else if ((i==2)&&(!check)){ 805      if (erst.checked==true) element.className='mousein'; 806      else element.className='mousechecked'; 807      erst.click(); 808     } 809     else check=false; 810    } 811    <%// Filter files and dirs in FileList%> 812    function filter (begriff){ 813     var suche = begriff.value.toLowerCase(); 814     var table = document.getElementById("filetable"); 815     var ele; 816     for (var r = 1; r < table.rows.length; r++){ 817      ele = table.rows[r].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/<[^>]+>/g,""); 818      if (ele.toLowerCase().indexOf(suche)>=0 ) 819       table.rows[r].style.display = ''; 820      else table.rows[r].style.display = 'none'; 821          } 822    } 823    <%//(De)select all checkboxes%>  824    function AllFiles(){ 825     for(var x=0;x < document.FileList.elements.length;x++){ 826      var y = document.FileList.elements[x]; 827      var ytr = y.parentNode.parentNode; 828      var check = document.FileList.selall.checked; 829      if(y.name == 'selfile' && ytr.style.display != 'none'){ 830       if (y.disabled != true){ 831        y.checked = check; 832        if (y.checked == true) ytr.className = 'checked'; 833        else ytr.className = 'mouseout'; 834       } 835      } 836     } 837    } 838     839    function shortKeyHandler(_event){ 840     if (!_event) _event = window.event; 841     if (_event.which) { 842      keycode = _event.which; 843     } else if (_event.keyCode) { 844      keycode = _event.keyCode; 845     } 846     var t = document.getElementById("text_Dir"); 847     //z 848     if (keycode == 122){ 849      document.getElementById("but_Zip").click(); 850     } 851     //r, F2 852     else if (keycode == 113 || keycode == 114){ 853      var path = prompt("Please enter new filename", ""); 854      if (path == null) return; 855      t.value = path; 856      document.getElementById("but_Ren").click(); 857     } 858     //c 859     else if (keycode == 99){ 860      var path = prompt("Please enter filename", ""); 861      if (path == null) return; 862      t.value = path; 863      document.getElementById("but_NFi").click(); 864     } 865     //d 866     else if (keycode == 100){ 867      var path = prompt("Please enter directory name", ""); 868      if (path == null) return; 869      t.value = path; 870      document.getElementById("but_NDi").click(); 871     } 872     //m 873     else if (keycode == 109){ 874      var path = prompt("Please enter move destination", ""); 875      if (path == null) return; 876      t.value = path; 877      document.getElementById("but_Mov").click(); 878     } 879     //y 880     else if (keycode == 121){ 881      var path = prompt("Please enter copy destination", ""); 882      if (path == null) return; 883      t.value = path; 884      document.getElementById("but_Cop").click(); 885     } 886     //l 887     else if (keycode == 108){ 888      document.getElementById("but_Lau").click(); 889     } 890     //Del 891     else if (keycode == 46){ 892      document.getElementById("but_Del").click(); 893     } 894    } 895  896    function popUp(URL){ 897     fname = document.getElementsByName("myFile")[0].value; 898     if (fname != "") 899      window.open(URL+"?first&uplMonitor="+encodeURIComponent(fname),"","width=400,height=150,resizable=yes,depend=yes") 900    } 901     902    document.onkeypress = shortKeyHandler; 903 <%   } 904   // View file 905   else if (request.getParameter("file") != null) { 906             File f = new File(request.getParameter("file")); 907             if (!isAllowed(f, false)) { 908                 request.setAttribute("dir", f.getParent()); 909                 request.setAttribute("error", "You are not allowed to access "+f.getAbsolutePath()); 910             } 911             else if (f.exists() && f.canRead()) { 912                 if (isPacked(f.getName(), false)) { 913                     //If zipFile, do nothing here 914                 } 915                 else{ 916                     String mimeType = getMimeType(f.getName()); 917                     response.setContentType(mimeType); 918                     if (mimeType.equals("text/plain")) response.setHeader( 919                             "Content-Disposition", "inline;filename=\"temp.txt\""); 920                     else response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline;filename=\"" 921                             + f.getName() + "\""); 922                     BufferedInputStream fileInput = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f)); 923                     byte buffer[] = new byte[8 * 1024]; 924                     out.clearBuffer(); 925                     OutputStream out_s = new Writer2Stream(out); 926                     copyStreamsWithoutClose(fileInput, out_s, buffer); 927                     fileInput.close(); 928                     out_s.flush(); 929                     nohtml = true; 930                     dir_view = false; 931                 } 932             } 933             else { 934                 request.setAttribute("dir", f.getParent()); 935                 request.setAttribute("error", "File " + f.getAbsolutePath() 936                         + " does not exist or is not readable on the server"); 937             } 938   } 939   // Download selected files as zip file 940   else if ((request.getParameter("Submit") != null) 941     && (request.getParameter("Submit").equals(SAVE_AS_ZIP))) { 942    Vector v = expandFileList(request.getParameterValues("selfile"), false); 943    //Check if all files in vector are allowed 944    String notAllowedFile = null; 945    for (int i = 0;i < v.size(); i++){ 946     File f = (File) v.get(i); 947     if (!isAllowed(f, false)){ 948      notAllowedFile = f.getAbsolutePath(); 949      break; 950     } 951    } 952    if (notAllowedFile != null){ 953     request.setAttribute("error", "You are not allowed to access " + notAllowedFile); 954    } 955    else if (v.size() == 0) { 956     request.setAttribute("error", "No files selected"); 957    } 958    else { 959     File dir_file = new File("" + request.getAttribute("dir")); 960     int dir_l = dir_file.getAbsolutePath().length(); 961     response.setContentType("application/zip"); 962     response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=\"rename_me.zip\""); 963     out.clearBuffer(); 964     ZipOutputStream zipout = new ZipOutputStream(new Writer2Stream(out)); 965     zipout.setComment("Created by jsp File Browser v. " + VERSION_NR); 966     zipout.setLevel(COMPRESSION_LEVEL); 967     for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { 968      File f = (File) v.get(i); 969      if (f.canRead()) { 970       zipout.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(f.getAbsolutePath().substring(dir_l + 1))); 971       BufferedInputStream fr = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f)); 972       byte buffer[] = new byte[0xffff]; 973       copyStreamsWithoutClose(fr, zipout, buffer); 974       /*     int b; 975        while ((b=fr.read())!=-1) zipout.write(b);*/ 976       fr.close(); 977       zipout.closeEntry(); 978      } 979     } 980     zipout.finish(); 981     out.flush(); 982     nohtml = true; 983     dir_view = false; 984    } 985   } 986   // Download file 987   else if (request.getParameter("downfile") != null) { 988    String filePath = request.getParameter("downfile"); 989    File f = new File(filePath); 990    if (!isAllowed(f, false)){ 991     request.setAttribute("dir", f.getParent()); 992     request.setAttribute("error", "You are not allowed to access " + f.getAbsoluteFile()); 993    } 994    else if (f.exists() && f.canRead()) { 995     response.setContentType("application/octet-stream"); 996     response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=\"" + f.getName() 997       + "\""); 998     response.setContentLength((int) f.length()); 999     BufferedInputStream fileInput = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f));1000     byte buffer[] = new byte[8 * 1024];1001     out.clearBuffer();1002     OutputStream out_s = new Writer2Stream(out);1003     copyStreamsWithoutClose(fileInput, out_s, buffer);1004     fileInput.close();1005     out_s.flush();1006     nohtml = true;1007     dir_view = false;1008    }1009    else {1010     request.setAttribute("dir", f.getParent());1011     request.setAttribute("error", "File " + f.getAbsolutePath()1012       + " does not exist or is not readable on the server");1013    }1014   }1015   if (nohtml) return;1016   //else1017    // If no parameter is submitted, it will take the path from jsp file browser1018    if (request.getAttribute("dir") == null) {1019     String path = null;1020     if (application.getRealPath(request.getRequestURI()) != null) {1021      File f = new File(application.getRealPath(request.getRequestURI())).getParentFile();1022      //This is a hack needed for tomcat1023      while (f != null && !f.exists())1024       f = f.getParentFile();1025      if (f != null)1026       path = f.getAbsolutePath();1027     }1028     if (path == null) { // handle the case where we are not in a directory (ex: war file)1029      path = new File(".").getAbsolutePath();1030     }1031     //Check path1032                 if (!isAllowed(new File(path), false)){1033                  //TODO Blacklist1034                     if (RESTRICT_PATH.indexOf(";")<0) path = RESTRICT_PATH;1035                     else path = RESTRICT_PATH.substring(0, RESTRICT_PATH.indexOf(";"));1036                 }1037     request.setAttribute("dir", path);1038    }%>1039 1041 1042 1043 
1047 <%1048 //If a cssfile exists, it will take it1049 String cssPath = null;1050 if (application.getRealPath(request.getRequestURI()) != null) cssPath = new File(1051 application.getRealPath(request.getRequestURI())).getParent()1052 + File.separator + CSS_NAME;1053 if (cssPath == null) cssPath = application.getResource(CSS_NAME).toString();1054 if (new File(cssPath).exists()) {1055 %>1056
1057 <%}1058 else if (request.getParameter("uplMonitor") == null) {%>1059 1079 <%}1080 1081 //Check path1082 if (!isAllowed(new File((String)request.getAttribute("dir")), false)){1083 request.setAttribute("error", "You are not allowed to access " + request.getAttribute("dir"));1084 }1085 //Upload monitor1086 else if (request.getParameter("uplMonitor") != null) {%>1087 <%1090 String fname = request.getParameter("uplMonitor");1091 //First opening1092 boolean first = false;1093 if (request.getParameter("first") != null) first = true;1094 UplInfo info = new UplInfo();1095 if (!first) {1096 info = UploadMonitor.getInfo(fname);1097 if (info == null) {1098 //Windows1099 int posi = fname.lastIndexOf("\\");1100 if (posi != -1) info = UploadMonitor.getInfo(fname.substring(posi + 1));1101 }1102 if (info == null) {1103 //Unix1104 int posi = fname.lastIndexOf("/");1105 if (posi != -1) info = UploadMonitor.getInfo(fname.substring(posi + 1));1106 }1107 }1108 dir_view = false;1109 request.setAttribute("dir", null);1110 if (info.aborted) {1111 UploadMonitor.remove(fname);1112 %>1113 1114 1115 Upload of <%=fname%>
1116 Upload aborted.1117 <%1118 }1119 else if (info.totalSize != info.currSize || info.currSize == 0) {1120 %>1121
1122 1123 1124 Upload of <%=fname%>
1129 <%=convertFileSize(info.currSize)%> from <%=convertFileSize(info.totalSize)%>1130 (<%=info.getPercent()%> %) uploaded (Speed: <%=info.getUprate()%>).
1131 Time: <%=info.getTimeElapsed()%> from <%=info.getTimeEstimated()%>1132 1133 <%1134 }1135 else {1136 UploadMonitor.remove(fname);1137 %>1138 1139 1140 Upload of <%=fname%>
1141 Upload finished.1142 1143 <%1144 }1145 }1146 //Comandwindow1147 else if (request.getParameter("command") != null) {1148 if (!NATIVE_COMMANDS){1149 request.setAttribute("error", "Execution of native commands is not allowed!");1150 }1151 else if (!"Cancel".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getParameter("Submit"))) {1152 %>1153 Launch commands in <%=request.getAttribute("dir")%>1154 1155


1157 <%1158 out.println("
\n"1159 + "
1171 Command: 1172
1174 ">1175

jsp File Browser version <%= VERSION_NR%> by www.vonloesch.de1182
1184 1185 1186 <%1187 dir_view = false;1188 request.setAttribute("dir", null);1189 }1190 }1191 1192 //Click on a filename, special viewer (zip+jar file)1193 else if (request.getParameter("file") != null) {1194 File f = new File(request.getParameter("file"));1195 if (!isAllowed(f, false)){1196 request.setAttribute("error", "You are not allowed to access " + f.getAbsolutePath());1197 }1198 else if (isPacked(f.getName(), false)) {1199 //ZipFile1200 try {1201 ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(f);1202 Enumeration entries = zf.entries();1203 %>1204 <%= f.getAbsolutePath()%>1205 1206 1207

Content of <%=conv2Html(f.getName())%>

1210 <%1211 long size = 0;1212 int fileCount = 0;1213 while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {1214 ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry) entries.nextElement();1215 if (!entry.isDirectory()) {1216 fileCount++;1217 size += entry.getSize();1218 long ratio = 0;1219 if (entry.getSize() != 0) ratio = (entry.getCompressedSize() * 100)1220 / entry.getSize();1221 out.println("
");1226 1227 }1228 }1229 zf.close();1230 //No directory view1231 dir_view = false;1232 request.setAttribute("dir", null);1233 %>1234
Name Uncompressed size Compressed size Compr. ratio Date
" + conv2Html(entry.getName())1222 + " " + convertFileSize(entry.getSize()) + " "1223 + convertFileSize(entry.getCompressedSize()) + " "1224 + ratio + "%" + " "1225 + dateFormat.format(new Date(entry.getTime())) + "

1236 <%=convertFileSize(size)%> in <%=fileCount%> files in <%=f.getName()%>. Compression ratio: <%=(f.length() * 100) / size%>%1237

1238 1239 <%1240 }1241 catch (ZipException ex) {1242 request.setAttribute("error", "Cannot read " + f.getName()1243 + ", no valid zip file");1244 }1245 catch (IOException ex) {1246 request.setAttribute("error", "Reading of " + f.getName() + " aborted. Error: "1247 + ex);1248 }1249 }1250 }1251 // Upload1252 else if ((request.getContentType() != null)1253 && (request.getContentType().toLowerCase().startsWith("multipart"))) {1254 if (!ALLOW_UPLOAD){1255 request.setAttribute("error", "Upload is forbidden!");1256 }1257 response.setContentType("text/html");1258 HttpMultiPartParser parser = new HttpMultiPartParser();1259 boolean error = false;1260 try {1261 int bstart = request.getContentType().lastIndexOf("oundary=");1262 String bound = request.getContentType().substring(bstart + 8);1263 int clength = request.getContentLength();1264 Hashtable ht = parser1265 .processData(request.getInputStream(), bound, tempdir, clength);1266 if (!isAllowed(new File((String)ht.get("dir")), false)){1267 //This is a hack, cos we are writing to this directory1268 request.setAttribute("error", "You are not allowed to access " + ht.get("dir"));1269 error = true;1270 }1271 else if (ht.get("myFile") != null) {1272 FileInfo fi = (FileInfo) ht.get("myFile");1273 File f = fi.file;1274 UplInfo info = UploadMonitor.getInfo(fi.clientFileName);1275 if (info != null && info.aborted) {1276 f.delete();1277 request.setAttribute("error", "Upload aborted");1278 }1279 else {1280 // Move file from temp to the right dir1281 String path = (String) ht.get("dir");1282 if (!path.endsWith(File.separator)) path = path + File.separator;1283 if (!f.renameTo(new File(path + f.getName()))) {1284 request.setAttribute("error", "Cannot upload file.");1285 error = true;1286 f.delete();1287 }1288 }1289 }1290 else {1291 request.setAttribute("error", "No file selected for upload");1292 error = true;1293 }1294 request.setAttribute("dir", (String) ht.get("dir"));1295 }1296 catch (Exception e) {1297 request.setAttribute("error", "Error " + e + ". Upload aborted");1298 error = true;1299 }1300 if (!error) request.setAttribute("message", "File upload correctly finished.");1301 }1302 // The form to edit a text file1303 else if (request.getParameter("editfile") != null) {1304 File ef = new File(request.getParameter("editfile"));1305 if (!isAllowed(ef, true)){1306 request.setAttribute("error", "You are not allowed to access " + ef.getAbsolutePath());1307 }1308 else{1309 %>1310 Edit <%=conv2Html(request.getParameter("editfile"))%>1311 1312 1313

Edit <%=conv2Html(request.getParameter("editfile"))%>

1315 <%1316 BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(ef));1317 String disable = "";1318 if (!ef.canWrite()) disable = " readonly";1319 out.println("
\n"1320 );1321 error = true;1322 }1323 if (!error) request.setAttribute(; + "
1350 1351
1357 1358
<%= dos?"checked":""%>>Ms-Dos/Windows1346 <%= dos?"":"checked"%>>Unix1347 Write backup
1349 1353 1354 ">1355 ">1356

jsp File Browser version <%= VERSION_NR%> by www.vonloesch.de1365
1366 1367 1368 <%1369 }1370 }1371 // Save or cancel the edited file1372 else if (request.getParameter("nfile") != null) {1373 File f = new File(request.getParameter("nfile"));1374 if (request.getParameter("Submit").equals("Save")) {1375 File new_f = new File(getDir(f.getParent(), request.getParameter("new_name")));1376 if (!isAllowed(new_f, true)){1377 request.setAttribute("error", "You are not allowed to access " + new_f.getAbsolutePath());1378 }1379 if (new_f.exists() && new_f.canWrite() && request.getParameter("Backup") != null) {1380 File bak = new File(new_f.getAbsolutePath() + ".bak");1381 bak.delete();1382 new_f.renameTo(bak);1383 }1384 if (new_f.exists() && !new_f.canWrite()) request.setAttribute("error",1385 "Cannot write to " + new_f.getName() + ", file is write protected.");1386 else {1387 BufferedWriter outs = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new_f));1388 StringReader text = new StringReader(request.getParameter("text"));1389 int i;1390 boolean cr = false;1391 String lineend = "\n";1392 if (request.getParameter("lineformat").equals("dos")) lineend = "\r\n";1393 while ((i = text.read()) >= 0) {1394 if (i == '\r') cr = true;1395 else if (i == '\n') {1396 outs.write(lineend);1397 cr = false;1398 }1399 else if (cr) {1400 outs.write(lineend);1401 cr = false;1402 }1403 else {1404 outs.write(i);1405 cr = false;1406 }1407 }1408 outs.flush();1409 outs.close();1410 }1411 }1412 request.setAttribute("dir", f.getParent());1413 }1414 //Unpack file to the current directory without overwriting1415 else if (request.getParameter("unpackfile") != null) {1416 File f = new File(request.getParameter("unpackfile"));1417 String root = f.getParent();1418 request.setAttribute("dir", root);1419 if (!isAllowed(new File(root), true)){1420 request.setAttribute("error", "You are not allowed to access " + root);1421 }1422 //Check if file exists1423 else if (!f.exists()) {1424 request.setAttribute("error", "Cannot unpack " + f.getName()1425 + ", file does not exist");1426 }1427 //Check if directory is readonly1428 else if (!f.getParentFile().canWrite()) {1429 request.setAttribute("error", "Cannot unpack " + f.getName()1430 + ", directory is write protected.");1431 }1432 //GZip1433 else if (f.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".gz")) {1434 //New name is old Name without .gz1435 String newName = f.getAbsolutePath().substring(0, f.getAbsolutePath().length() - 3);1436 try {1437 byte buffer[] = new byte[0xffff];1438 copyStreams(new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(f)), new FileOutputStream(1439 newName), buffer);1440 }1441 catch (IOException ex) {1442 request.setAttribute("error", "Unpacking of " + f.getName()1443 + " aborted. Error: " + ex);1444 }1445 }1446 //Else try Zip1447 else {1448 try {1449 ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(f);1450 Enumeration entries = zf.entries();1451 //First check whether a file already exist1452 boolean error = false;1453 while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {1454 ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry) entries.nextElement();1455 if (!entry.isDirectory()1456 && new File(root + File.separator + entry.getName()).exists()) {1457 request.setAttribute("error", "Cannot unpack " + f.getName()1458 + ", File " + entry.getName() + " already exists.");1459 error = true;1460 break;1461 }1462 }1463 if (!error) {1464 //Unpack File1465 entries = zf.entries();1466 byte buffer[] = new byte[0xffff];1467 while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {1468 ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry) entries.nextElement();1469 File n = new File(root + File.separator + entry.getName());1470 if (entry.isDirectory()) n.mkdirs();1471 else {1472 n.getParentFile().mkdirs();1473 n.createNewFile();1474 copyStreams(zf.getInputStream(entry), new FileOutputStream(n),1475 buffer);1476 }1477 }1478 zf.close();1479 request.setAttribute("message", "Unpack of " + f.getName()1480 + " was successful.");1481 }1482 }1483 catch (ZipException ex) {1484 request.setAttribute("error", "Cannot unpack " + f.getName()1485 + ", no valid zip file");1486 }1487 catch (IOException ex) {1488 request.setAttribute("error", "Unpacking of " + f.getName()1489 + " aborted. Error: " + ex);1490 }1491 }1492 }1493 // Delete Files1494 else if ((request.getParameter("Submit") != null)1495 && (request.getParameter("Submit").equals(DELETE_FILES))) {1496 Vector v = expandFileList(request.getParameterValues("selfile"), true);1497 boolean error = false;1498 //delete backwards1499 for (int i = v.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {1500 File f = (File) v.get(i);1501 if (!isAllowed(f, true)){1502 request.setAttribute("error", "You are not allowed to access " + f.getAbsolutePath());1503 error = true;1504 break;1505 }1506 if (!f.canWrite() || !f.delete()) {1507 request.setAttribute("error", "Cannot delete " + f.getAbsolutePath()1508 + ". Deletion aborted");1509 error = true;1510 break;1511 }1512 }1513 if ((!error) && (v.size() > 1)) request.setAttribute("message", "All files deleted");1514 else if ((!error) && (v.size() > 0)) request.setAttribute("message", "File deleted");1515 else if (!error) request.setAttribute("error", "No files selected");1516 }1517 // Create Directory1518 else if ((request.getParameter("Submit") != null)1519 && (request.getParameter("Submit").equals(CREATE_DIR))) {1520 String dir = "" + request.getAttribute("dir");1521 String dir_name = request.getParameter("cr_dir");1522 String new_dir = getDir(dir, dir_name);1523 if (!isAllowed(new File(new_dir), true)){1524 request.setAttribute("error", "You are not allowed to access " + new_dir);1525 }1526 else if (new File(new_dir).mkdirs()) {1527 request.setAttribute("message", "Directory created");1528 }1529 else request.setAttribute("error", "Creation of directory " + new_dir + " failed");1530 }1531 // Create a new empty file1532 else if ((request.getParameter("Submit") != null)1533 && (request.getParameter("Submit").equals(CREATE_FILE))) {1534 String dir = "" + request.getAttribute("dir");1535 String file_name = request.getParameter("cr_dir");1536 String new_file = getDir(dir, file_name);1537 if (!isAllowed(new File(new_file), true)){1538 request.setAttribute("error", "You are not allowed to access " + new_file);1539 }1540 // Test, if file_name is empty1541 else if (!"".equals(file_name.trim()) && !file_name.endsWith(File.separator)) {1542 if (new File(new_file).createNewFile()) request.setAttribute("message",1543 "File created");1544 else request.setAttribute("error", "Creation of file " + new_file + " failed");1545 }1546 else request.setAttribute("error", "Error: " + file_name + " is not a valid filename");1547 }1548 // Rename a file1549 else if ((request.getParameter("Submit") != null)1550 && (request.getParameter("Submit").equals(RENAME_FILE))) {1551 Vector v = expandFileList(request.getParameterValues("selfile"), true);1552 String dir = "" + request.getAttribute("dir");1553 String new_file_name = request.getParameter("cr_dir");1554 String new_file = getDir(dir, new_file_name);1555 if (!isAllowed(new File(new_file), true)){1556 request.setAttribute("error", "You are not allowed to access " + new_file);1557 }1558 // The error conditions:1559 // 1) Zero Files selected1560 else if (v.size() <= 0) request.setAttribute("error",1561 "Select exactly one file or folder. Rename failed");1562 // 2a) Multiple files selected and the first isn't a dir1563 // Here we assume that expandFileList builds v from top-bottom, starting with the dirs1564 else if ((v.size() > 1) && !(((File) v.get(0)).isDirectory())) request.setAttribute(1565 "error", "Select exactly one file or folder. Rename failed");1566 // 2b) If there are multiple files from the same directory, rename fails1567 else if ((v.size() > 1) && ((File) v.get(0)).isDirectory()1568 && !(((File) v.get(0)).getPath().equals(((File) v.get(1)).getParent()))) {1569 request.setAttribute("error", "Select exactly one file or folder. Rename failed");1570 }1571 else {1572 File f = (File) v.get(0);1573 if (!isAllowed(f, true)){1574 request.setAttribute("error", "You are not allowed to access " + f.getAbsolutePath());1575 }1576 // Test, if file_name is empty1577 else if ((new_file.trim() != "") && !new_file.endsWith(File.separator)) {1578 if (!f.canWrite() || !f.renameTo(new File(new_file.trim()))) {1579 request.setAttribute("error", "Creation of file " + new_file + " failed");1580 }1581 else request.setAttribute("message", "Renamed file "1582 + ((File) v.get(0)).getName() + " to " + new_file);1583 }1584 else request.setAttribute("error", "Error: \"" + new_file_name1585 + "\" is not a valid filename");1586 }1587 }1588 // Move selected file(s)1589 else if ((request.getParameter("Submit") != null)1590 && (request.getParameter("Submit").equals(MOVE_FILES))) {1591 Vector v = expandFileList(request.getParameterValues("selfile"), true);1592 String dir = "" + request.getAttribute("dir");1593 String dir_name = request.getParameter("cr_dir");1594 String new_dir = getDir(dir, dir_name);1595 if (!isAllowed(new File(new_dir), false)){1596 request.setAttribute("error", "You are not allowed to access " + new_dir);1597 }1598 else{1599 boolean error = false;1600 // This ensures that new_dir is a directory1601 if (!new_dir.endsWith(File.separator)) new_dir += File.separator;1602 for (int i = v.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {1603 File f = (File) v.get(i);1604 if (!isAllowed(f, true)){1605 request.setAttribute("error", "You are not allowed to access " + f.getAbsolutePath());1606 error = true;1607 break;1608 }1609 else if (!f.canWrite() || !f.renameTo(new File(new_dir1610 + f.getAbsolutePath().substring(dir.length())))) {1611 request.setAttribute("error", "Cannot move " + f.getAbsolutePath()1612 + ". Move aborted");1613 error = true;1614 break;1615 }1616 }1617 if ((!error) && (v.size() > 1)) request.setAttribute("message", "All files moved");1618 else if ((!error) && (v.size() > 0)) request.setAttribute("message", "File moved");1619 else if (!error) request.setAttribute("error", "No files selected");1620 }1621 }1622 // Copy Files1623 else if ((request.getParameter("Submit") != null)1624 && (request.getParameter("Submit").equals(COPY_FILES))) {1625 Vector v = expandFileList(request.getParameterValues("selfile"), true);1626 String dir = (String) request.getAttribute("dir");1627 if (!dir.endsWith(File.separator)) dir += File.separator;1628 String dir_name = request.getParameter("cr_dir");1629 String new_dir = getDir(dir, dir_name);1630 if (!isAllowed(new File(new_dir), true)){1631 request.setAttribute("error", "You are not allowed to access " + new_dir);1632 }1633 else{1634 boolean error = false;1635 if (!new_dir.endsWith(File.separator)) new_dir += File.separator;1636 try {1637 byte buffer[] = new byte[0xffff];1638 for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {1639 File f_old = (File) v.get(i);1640 File f_new = new File(new_dir + f_old.getAbsolutePath().substring(dir.length()));1641 if (!isAllowed(f_old, false)|| !isAllowed(f_new, true)){1642 request.setAttribute("error", "You are not allowed to access " + f_new.getAbsolutePath());1643 error = true;1644 }1645 else if (f_old.isDirectory()) f_new.mkdirs();1646 // Overwriting is forbidden1647 else if (!f_new.exists()) {1648 copyStreams(new FileInputStream(f_old), new FileOutputStream(f_new), buffer);1649 }1650 else {1651 // File exists1652 request.setAttribute("error", "Cannot copy " + f_old.getAbsolutePath()1653 + ", file already exists. Copying aborted");1654 error = true;1655 break;1656 }1657 }1658 }1659 catch (IOException e) {1660 request.setAttribute("error", "Error " + e + ". Copying aborted");1661 error = true;1662 }1663 if ((!error) && (v.size() > 1)) request.setAttribute("message", "All files copied");1664 else if ((!error) && (v.size() > 0)) request.setAttribute("message", "File copied");1665 else if (!error) request.setAttribute("error", "No files selected");1666 }1667 }1668 // Directory viewer1669 if (dir_view && request.getAttribute("dir") != null) {1670 File f = new File("" + request.getAttribute("dir"));1671 //Check, whether the dir exists1672 if (!f.exists() || !isAllowed(f, false)) {1673 if (!f.exists()){1674 request.setAttribute("error", "Directory " + f.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist.");1675 }1676 else{1677 request.setAttribute("error", "You are not allowed to access " + f.getAbsolutePath());1678 }1679 //if attribute olddir exists, it will change to olddir1680 if (request.getAttribute("olddir") != null && isAllowed(new File((String) request.getAttribute("olddir")), false)) {1681 f = new File("" + request.getAttribute("olddir"));1682 }1683 //try to go to the parent dir1684 else {1685 if (f.getParent() != null && isAllowed(f, false)) f = new File(f.getParent());1686 }1687 //If this dir also do also not exist, go back to browser.jsp root path1688 if (!f.exists()) {1689 String path = null;1690 if (application.getRealPath(request.getRequestURI()) != null) path = new File(1691 application.getRealPath(request.getRequestURI())).getParent();1692 1693 if (path == null) // handle the case were we are not in a directory (ex: war file)1694 path = new File(".").getAbsolutePath();1695 f = new File(path);1696 }1697 if (isAllowed(f, false)) request.setAttribute("dir", f.getAbsolutePath());1698 else request.setAttribute("dir", null);1699 }1700 %>1701 1703 <%=request.getAttribute("dir")%>1704 1705 1706 <%1707 //Output message1708 if (request.getAttribute("message") != null) {1709 out.println("
");1710 out.println(request.getAttribute("message"));1711 out.println("
");1712 }1713 //Output error1714 if (request.getAttribute("error") != null) {1715 out.println("
");1716 out.println(request.getAttribute("error"));1717 out.println("
");1718 }1719 if (request.getAttribute("dir") != null){1720 %>1721 1722
1723 Filename filter:
";1797 String link = buf; // The standard view link, uses Mime-type1798 if (entry[i].isDirectory()) {1799 if (entry[i].canRead() && USE_DIR_PREVIEW) {1800 //Show the first DIR_PREVIEW_NUMBER directory entries in a tooltip1801 File[] fs = entry[i].listFiles();1802 if (fs == null) fs = new File[] {};1803 Arrays.sort(fs, new FileComp());1804 StringBuffer filenames = new StringBuffer();1805 for (int i2 = 0; (i2 < fs.length) && (i2 < 10); i2++) {1806 String fname = conv2Html(fs[i2].getName());1807 if (fs[i2].isDirectory()) filenames.append("[" + fname + "];");1808 else filenames.append(fname + ";");1809 }1810 if (fs.length > DIR_PREVIEW_NUMBER) filenames.append("...");1811 else if (filenames.length() > 0) filenames1812 .setLength(filenames.length() - 1);1813 link = ahref + "dir=" + name + "\" title=\"" + filenames + "\">"1814 + FOL_IMG + "[" + buf + "]
1726 <%1727 // Output the table, starting with the headers.1728 String dir = URLEncoder.encode("" + request.getAttribute("dir"));1729 String cmd = browser_name + "?dir=" + dir;1730 int sortMode = 1;1731 if (request.getParameter("sort") != null) sortMode = Integer.parseInt(request1732 .getParameter("sort"));1733 int[] sort = new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4};1734 for (int i = 0; i < sort.length; i++)1735 if (sort[i] == sortMode) sort[i] = -sort[i];1736 out.print("
"1738 + "
"1740 + "
"1742 + "
"1744 + "
");1745 if (!READ_ONLY) out.print ("
");1746 out.println("
");1747 char trenner = File.separatorChar;1748 // Output the Root-Dirs, without FORBIDDEN_DRIVES1749 File[] entry = File.listRoots();1750 for (int i = 0; i < entry.length; i++) {1751 boolean forbidden = false;1752 for (int i2 = 0; i2 < FORBIDDEN_DRIVES.length; i2++) {1753 if (entry[i].getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().equals(FORBIDDEN_DRIVES[i2])) forbidden = true;1754 }1755 if (!forbidden) {1756 out.println("
");1758 out.println("
");1764 }1765 }1766 // Output the parent directory link ".."1767 if (f.getParent() != null) {1768 out.println("
");1770 out.println("
");1774 }1775 // Output all files and dirs and calculate the number of files and total size1776 entry = f.listFiles();1777 if (entry == null) entry = new File[] {};1778 long totalSize = 0; // The total size of the files in the current directory1779 long fileCount = 0; // The count of files in the current working directory1780 if (entry != null && entry.length > 0) {1781 Arrays.sort(entry, new FileComp(sortMode));1782 for (int i = 0; i < entry.length; i++) {1783 String name = URLEncoder.encode(entry[i].getAbsolutePath());1784 String type = "File"; // This String will tell the extension of the file1785 if (entry[i].isDirectory()) type = "DIR"; // It's a DIR1786 else {1787 String tempName = entry[i].getName().replace(' ', '_');1788 if (tempName.lastIndexOf('.') != -1) type = tempName.substring(1789 tempName.lastIndexOf('.')).toLowerCase();1790 }1791 String ahref = "";1815 }1816 else if (entry[i].canRead()) {1817 link = ahref + "dir=" + name + "\">" + FOL_IMG + "[" + buf + "]";1818 }1819 else link = FOL_IMG + "[" + buf + "]";1820 }1821 else if (entry[i].isFile()) { //Entry is file1822 totalSize = totalSize + entry[i].length();1823 fileCount = fileCount + 1;1824 if (entry[i].canRead()) {1825 dlink = ahref + "downfile=" + name + "\">Download";1826 //If you click at the filename1827 if (USE_POPUP) link = ahref + "file=" + name + "\" target=\"_blank\">"1828 + buf + "";1829 else link = ahref + "file=" + name + "\">" + buf + "";1830 if (entry[i].canWrite()) { // The file can be edited1831 //If it is a zip or jar File you can unpack it1832 if (isPacked(name, true)) elink = ahref + "unpackfile=" + name1833 + "\">Unpack";1834 else elink = ahref + "editfile=" + name + "\">Edit";1835 }1836 else { // If the file cannot be edited1837 //If it is a zip or jar File you can unpack it1838 if (isPacked(name, true)) elink = ahref + "unpackfile=" + name1839 + "\">Unpack";1840 else elink = ahref + "editfile=" + name + "\">View";1841 }1842 }1843 else {1844 link = buf;1845 }1846 }1847 String date = dateFormat.format(new Date(entry[i].lastModified()));1848 out.println("
");1850 if (entry[i].canRead()) {1851 out.println("
");1853 }1854 else {1855 out.println("
");1856 }1857 out.print("
");1858 if (entry[i].isDirectory()) out.print("
");1859 else {1860 out.print("
");1862 }1863 out.println("
"); // The download link1866 if (!READ_ONLY)1867 out.print ("
"); // The edit link (or view, depending)1868 out.println("
");1869 }1870 }%>1871
  Name Size Type Date    
  ");1759 String name = URLEncoder.encode(entry[i].getAbsolutePath());1760 String buf = entry[i].getAbsolutePath();1761 out.println("  [" + buf + "]");1763 out.print("        
");1771 out.println("  " + FOL_IMG + "[..]");1773 out.print("        
 " + link + "   "1861 + convertFileSize(entry[i].length()) + " " + type + "  " + // The file type (extension)1864 date + " " + // The date the file was created1865 dlink + " " + elink + "
Select all1873

1874 1875 <%=convertFileSize(totalSize)%> in <%=fileCount%> files in <%= dir2linkdir((String) request.getAttribute("dir"), browser_name, sortMode)%>1876 1877

1881 <% if (!READ_ONLY) {%>1882
1884 <% } %>1885 <% if (!READ_ONLY) {%>1886
1893 <% } %>1894
1897 <% if (ALLOW_UPLOAD) { %>1898
1905 <%} %>1906 <% if (NATIVE_COMMANDS) {%>1907
<%1913 }%>1914
1915 <%}%>1916

jsp File Browser version <%= VERSION_NR%> by www.vonloesch.de1919
1920 1921 <%1922 }1923 %>



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